Where Does the Smoky Mountain Relic Room Collection Come From?

Passionate about preserving history, Chase Pipes has served as past president of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society for a 2 year duration. Chase Pipes is also the co-owner of Sevierville, Tennessee-based Smoky Mountain Relic Room, a retail store that sells an extensive range of man-made artifacts and natural treasures, including gems, fossils, minerals, and crystals.
Mr. Pipes and the team at the Smoky Mountain Relic Room travel extensively to find new items to add to the collection at the Smoky Mountain Relic Room. This unique collection comes from a variety of sources.
Items that make their way to the Smoky Mountain Relic Room often come from conventions, trade shows, private collections, and estate sales. The store’s team specifically seeks out interesting and rare items while carrying out their own discovery travel expedition they refer to as the Artifact Trail, which typically takes place when they hit the road in April and May. Some of the events the team attends are focused on specific time periods in history or certain types of items. Sometimes collectible items are discovered by leads generated from the 1.5 million visitors who visit the store, or people who contact the Smoky Mountain Relic Room in search of buyers for the historical items they have.