Smoky Mountain Relic Room’s 2020 Trip to Arizona

A historical consultant and the president of the Smoky Mountain Historical Society, Chase Pipes serves as the co-owner and operator of the Tennessee-based Smoky Mountain Relic Room. In March 2020, Chase Pipes and his crew traveled to the Tucson Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show in Arizona.
The Smoky Mountain Relic Room crew were able to exhibit some of the Relic Room’s inventories at the Tucson Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show in Arizona. The Relic Room’s exhibition space at the show were 2 temporarily acquired hotel rooms where inventories were arranged. History lovers, as well as dealers and collectors of historical find were able to purchase some of the Relic Room’s diverse collection of antiques, ethnographic, and prehistoric finds from all periods of human existence. Also, the crew met some friends and fellow history lovers from different regions around the world, who gave them malachite, amethyst, crystal clusters, Muonionalusta meteorites, and dinosaur fossils, which would be conveyed to the store Tennessee for sorting and sale. .
On their way back to Tennessee from the Tucson Show, the Relic Room crew visited a long-closed museum in Tombstone to obtain many artifacts and documents from the town’s history around the time of the 1881 O.K. Corral gunfight, a 30-second shootout that occurred on the afternoon of Oct. 26.